Archive for the ‘d’esperance et de Confiance’ Category

Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life: Haitian/Canadian /American/French Churches’ Most Sung Hymns On Sunday Morning and Evening Services – Chants D’Espérance Français et Créoles

Marcel D. Dubois's Most Popular, Most Sung Hymns Compilation

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Book Review:
“Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life For Your e-readers: Haitian/Canadian /American/French Churches’ Most Sung Hymns On Sunday Morning and Evening Services – Chants D’Espérance Français et Créoles for your e-readers” is a labor of love compiled by Youth Pastor and Choir Director, Marcel D. Dubois, who worked with many churches and Christian brothers and sisters from Boston to New York, from Haiti to Canada, from the Caribbean region to France and elsewhere. He wants to thank each one of you for sending your Sunday morning and evening programs to him. Thanks to your contributions, he has been able to come up with the most popular, the most sung hymns from the Chants d’Esperance Francais and Creoles. This book is for you. He hopes you can use it to praise and worship HIM!

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Purchase a copy of “Haitian Hymns to Hope and Life…” from AmazonKindle now

If you want to contribute to this survey, you can leave your feedback and comments below. “Tell us which hymn is the most sung on Sunday morning or evening services. Tell us Why”

Choir Director Marcel Dubois would like to find out.

The Most Requested Haitian Chants of Hope and Faith on Chants d’Esperance Creoles Haitiens, Chants d’Esperance Francais

Here is a review of this book: “Allelluia Haitian Chants of Hope and Faith: Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory… is a listing of the most requested songs or hymns on It is the web site users’ and authors’ selections of their favorite hymns from the famous Chants d’esperance Francais et Creoles Haitiens. The authors of this release grew up singing these songs in the church and parochial schools they attended. They are songs such as “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” -“Quel Ami Fidele et Tendre Nous Avons en Jesus-Christ,” “Quel Repos, Quel Repos” – “It is Well, It is Well…,” etc. This book is a personal affair for the authors as they share their love of singing in French and Haitian creole…”

Sing along with Haitian Children! Canten con los chicos Haitianos. This compilation is for those who want to sing along with Haitian Children at christian venues, outreach mission trips, schools, churches and elsewhere. Some of the songs are short choruses…

Start playing some of these choruses on your guitar or piano and the Haitian children will follow you. They will sing with you. All throughout the country, these songs are are sung in most churches or revival centers.

These are songs I used to sing with the children of my Sunday school class. L’ecole du Dimanche or Sunday school can be a lot of fun with the right selection of songs.

Just in case you are interested in having more songs, here is a new book of choruses, short Haitian hymns, Lullaby and Play songs published on this link:

Ala Ou Gran! Ala Ou Gran! How great thou art! How great thou art! Popular Haitian Children’s Choruses, Lullaby, Haitian Creole and French Church Hymns, and Other Play Songs

You can purchase this book from Barnes and Noble’s PubIt now

You can buy this book at Amazon Kindle Store now

Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.

Haitian Children’s Choruses, Church Songs and Bonus Pack CD

Product ID: 3064
Product Name: Haitian Chants of Hope

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Product ID: 3068
Product Name: Most Popular Haitian Children’s Choruses, Church and Play Songs

Buy Now From CCNow



Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.

Adoration et Louange, Numéro 19 des Chants d’Espérance Le Nom de Jésus est si doux

Adoration et Louange, Numéro 19 des Chants d’Espérance
Le nom de Jésus est si doux
Le nom de Jésus est si doux
De Dieu désarmant le courroux,
Il nous appellee au rendez-vous,
Précieux nom d Jésus!

Jésus! Béni soit ton nom!
Jésus! Oh! merveilleux don!
Jésus, supreme rançon,
Sois adore pour toujours

J’aime ce nom dans le chagrin,
Il me soutient sur le chemin,
Sa musique est un son divin,
Précieux nom de Jésus!

J’aime le nom de mon Sauveur
Car Lui seul connaît tout mon Coeur,
Lui seul me rend plus que vainqueur:
Précieux nom de Jésus!

Et si parfois j’ai succombé,
Si dans le mal je suis tombé
Son nom puissant m’a relevé
Précieux nom de Jésus!

Et lorsqu’avec Lui je serai,
Et lorsqu’enfin je Le verrai,
Alors sans fin je redirai:
Précieux nom de Jésus! Sings with “Alleluia Haitian Chants of Hope and Faith: Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory..” by M. Ferrero and Charlene Bouvier

Here is the first review of this book, “Allelluia Haitian Chants of Hope and Faith: Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory…is a listing of the most requested songs or hymns on It is the web site users’ and authors’ selections of their favorite hymns from the famous Chants d’esperance Francais et Creoles Haitiens. The authors of this release grew up singing these songs in the church and parochial schools they attended. They are songs such as “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” -“Quel Ami Fidele et Tendre Nous Avons en Jesus-Christ,” “Quel Repos, Quel Repos” – “It is Well, It is Well…,” etc. This book is a personal affair for the authors as they share their love of singing in French and Haitian creole….”

Get Your Copy Now: Here is where you can get a copy of this book: “Allelluia Haitian Chants of Hope and Faith: Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory…

Here is the testimony of one of the editors of this book, “Alleluia Haitian Chants of Hope and Faith (Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory)” brings you my favorite songs from “Les Chants D’Espérance Français et Créoles Haitiens.” I know that many of these hymns are also your favorites. You have sent me mail, sought, and requested them at and elsewhere. You have indicated that you want to continue praising God with these songs. We grew up with many of these songs. We sang them in our respective churches and schools. Haitian protestants and churchgoers or even the non-churchgoers continue to sing them to find comfort and reassurance in good times and in times of catastrophic natural crisis….”

Free Sample of Haitian Creole Songs Accappela

Koute yon ti bout chan: Escuchen aqui: Listen to a sample here

Du ciel bientôt, Jésus va revenir!

Du ciel bientôt, Jésus va revenir!
Du ciel bientôt, Jésus va revenir!
Si c’était aujourd’hui!
Tous, radieux, nous le verrons venir!
Si c’était aujourd’hui!
Alors tous les saints à sa vue,
Ses enfants sûrs de sa venue,
Iront avec Lui sur la nue,
Si c’était aujourd’hui!

Gloire! Gloire! Jésus revient bientôt!…
Gloire! Gloire! Nous le couronnerons!…
Gloire! Gloire! Et nous l’adorerons!
Gloire! Gloire! Jésus revient bientôt!…

Dans ce beau ciel, le mal ne sera plus!
Si c’était aujourd’hui!
Plus de douleur… le regard de Jésus!
Si c’était aujourd’hui!
Notre âme après ce jour soupire…
Mais déjà la nuit se retire,
Le grand matin va bientôt luire!
Si c’était aujourd’hui!

Oh! Que Jésus trouve en nous des coeurs droits,
S’il revient aujourd’hui!
Veillant, priant, dociles à sa voix,
S’il revient aujourd’hui !
Avons-nous tous cette assurance
D’être enlevés en sa présence,
Dans le séjour de sa puissance,
S’il revient aujourd’hui?

17 Chants d’Espérance Francais

Oh! Quel bonheur de le connaître,
L’Ami qui ne saurait changer,
De l’avoir ici-bas pour maître,
Pour Défenseur et pour berger!
Chantons, chantons d’un ceour joyeux
Le grand amour du Rédempteur,
Qui vint à nous du haut des cieux,
Et nous sauva du destructeur!

Dans la misère et l’ignorance,
Nous nous débations sans espoir,
La mort au coeur, l’âme en souffrance,
Quand à nos yeux il se fit voir.

Il nous apporta la lumière,
La victoire et la liberté,
L’ennemi mordit la poussière,
Pour toujours Satan fut dompté

Vers l’avenir marchons sans crainte
Et sans souci du lendemain
Pas à pas, nos pieds dans l’empreinte
De ses pieds sur notre chemin.

It Is Well….Quel repos céleste, Jésus, d’être à toi!

1. Quel repos céleste, Jésus, d’être à toi!
À toi pour la mort et la vie,
Dans les jours mauvais de chanter avec foi:
Tout est bien, ma paix est infinie!

Ref. Quel repos, quel repos,
Quel repos, quel repos,
Quel repos, quel céleste repos!

2. Quel repos céleste! mon fardeau n’est plus!
Libre par le sang du Calvaire,
Tous mes ennemis, Jésus les a vaincus,
Gloire et louange à Dieu notre père!

Ref. Quel repos, quel repos,…

3. Quel repos céleste! Tu conduis mes pas,
Tu me combles de tes richesses,
Dans ton grand amour, chaque jour tu sauras
Déployer envers moi tes tendresses.

Ref. Quel repos, quel repos,…

4. Quel repos céleste, quand enfin, Seigneur,
Auprès de toi, j’aurai ma place.
Après les travaux, les combats, la douleur,
à jamais je pourrai voir ta face!

Ref. Quel repos, quel repos,
Quel repos, quel repos,
Quel repos, quel céleste repos!



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New Chants D’Esperance Hymns EBook and Lyrics: Soaring on Wings Like Eagles

New Chants D’Espérance Hymns EBook & Lyrics: Soaring on Wings Like Eagles is a collection of poems and chants inspired by the Christian faith. It has poems that will encourage Haitians and the rest of the international community in their efforts to find a lasting solution to the Haitian problems caused by the Jan. 12, 2010 quake. It tells you from which sources Haitians find comfort in these difficult times. This way, you can better appreciate Haitians’ resilience, faith and dedication. This new book can be sub-titled, “Haitian Writings for Hard Times.” All the lyrical poems were written in English.

Get an automatic discount when you use Paypal!

Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.

Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.

Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.

Oh! Quel Bonheur de le connaitre


Oh! quel bonheur de le connaître,

L’ Ami qui ne saurait changer,

De l’avoir ici-bas pour Maître,

Pour défenseur et pour berger!


Chantons, chantons d’un coeur joyeux

Le grand amour du Rédempteur,

Qui vint à nous du haut des cieux,

Et nous sauva du destructeur!


Dans la misère et I’ignorance

Nous nous débattions sans espoir,

La mort au coeur, I‘âme en souffrance,

Quand à nos yeux II se fit voir.


Il nous apporta Ia Iumière,

La victoire et la liberté;

L’ennemi mordit la poussière,

Pour toujours Satan fut dompté.


Vers I’avenir marchons sans crainte

Et sans souci du lendemain,

Pas à pas, nos pieds dans I ‘empreinte

De ses pieds sur notre chemin.

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